วันอังคารที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Water aerobics - The gym in water

Water aerobics, aqua aerobics is one of the most effective methods of practice. It consists of exercises that you stand in chest deep water, usually in a pool. An instructor is usually present, showing the different exercises, the arms, legs and the heart of the body. The exercises can be heard rhytemathic Music and weight and can also be used to force majeure. Burned in a work about an hour, about six hundred calories.

Water aerobics, asOther forms of exercise help in losing weight control by lowering levels of blood sugar and stress. Water aerobics, but also has additional advantages that traditional education can not provide. Given our strong support in water, ninety percent of our body weight is. This means there is less stress on joints and ligaments and is doing so much more fun and safer for people who can not use traditional methods for some reason. In addition, the building is a gradualaerobic endurance and strength for those who have recently started weight training.

Water aerobics are very suitable for obese persons. Pool exercises are much better, and people do not have the courage as you would lose in the attempt to exercise classes regularly. Furthermore, there is little chance for injuries, such as the stress on joints and ligaments is significantly reduced. This can help many people to maintain their motivation in the program of fitness exercise.

Exercisesare also very effective for those who have experienced a recent surgery or recovering from an injury. Why is movement in the water reduces the intensity of the vibrations and provide a buffer against shocks. Jogging, can not be done as part of a leg injury, may safely be done in heavy water impacts are avoided. This technique can be used to safely exercise the injured party, thereby accelerating the recovery.

Pregnant women, especially the search for conventional exercisesdifficult. However, you can drive safely to a global movement in the water, with a lower risk of an accident or the impact of the child. Pregnant women can safely exercise and then, without fear of damage. How to get more exercise, they lead a better time of pregnancy, which is to their advantage and for children.

The elderly may, in particular, to find water aerobics is ideal for meeting their physical needs and social issues. Many members of this group are the conditions that age, like the bones brittle. MoreIn addition, because many have not done exercise most of their lives, the added stress can seriously affected tissue, which can not cope. The pools can also serve as a meeting place where friends and family can spend time together and train.

In summary, we can say that safe water aerobics and more comfortable than traditional exercises. You can not only improve your fitness, exercise pool can help accelerate the release of his wounds andCombat stress. Thus equipped, you do not need much equipment. Everything you need to do is dive!

